Monday, January 5, 2009


Christmas break is over, but over that time I was able to finish the light box. I also had time to botch the first screen. I put too much emulsion on it. Oh well, a learning curve was expected. Luckily for me, Fat Mat has been able to track down a supplier here in town, and with any luck I'll be able to get a screen made up very soon. And then production begins. I know I've got around 30 people that have expressed interest in the first design, but obviously I don't remember all of the names and people. I also don't expect that all of them really want one done. Cost analysis has yet to be completed, which means a price has not been set. I imagine I'll throw down a decent discount to anyone who supplies the shirt themselves (saving me the headache of choosing the wrong size/material for people).

I'll leave you with a picture of the light box:

1 comment:

  1. New screens purchased, as well as a vat of proper ink to use. I should have got emulsion while I was there, but we'll see how what I've got left turns out.

    The company Fat Mat found will be an excellent connection if things take off.
